Friday, August 30, 2019

Does it antimatter?

Leaning the ladders against the correct wall, an important precept, the west wall now, as mornings offer cool and quiet access to movement clockwise around the house. Timing matters. Consequences of substance.  Painting project begun last year progresses towards Fall 2019 completion of the circumnavigation of a paintbrush over the skin of the house. Scraped, sanded, primed, caulked, re-primed and top-coated.

Matter is from mater "origin, source, mother".
"In the Standard Model of particle physics, matter is not a fundamental concept because the elementary constituents of atoms are quantum entities which do not have an inherent "size" or "volume" in any everyday sense of the word."
I'm pretty sure it's a fundamental, though. It's just the concept lacks fundamentality. Concepts aren't matter.
Then there's antimatter.
"at this time the apparent asymmetry of matter and antimatter in the visible universe is one of the great unsolved problems in physics." Antimatter is antivisible, problem solved.
So if matter is our mother, who is our antimatter?

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