Monday, October 05, 2015

Atomic Information

Is there a physical basis for "information"? For example, an idea germinates in your brain, suggested by some confluence of other ideas as they carrom off of and into each other - a new idea (seemingly) not initially suggested by the other ideas. This idea uses the learned avenues of language and memory in the brain to propogate itself, to create reflections, permutations and perpetuations of itself. It eventually finds its way out of the brain through the arm, hand, fingers, pencil, keyboard, whathaveyou, to the page where it hopes to replicate itself again and again in other brains.

Is it, though, like Dickens' Scrooge says, only a bit of undigested beef (or in my case, cookie)? Merely the chemical reactions of various micronutrients in the bloodstream...which are all themselves the vehicles and components of OTHER "information" iterating and reiterating on successively more micro- and macro- levels beyond sight and comprehension.

Does the meaning of which we speak boil down to quarks, bosons and black holes? thus rendering "meaning" and even "information" oxymorons? If so, alder boh sok tu melba 7/6x!V<>j.

No, you must know what I mean, and in that miracle meaning becomes infinite and immediate.

footnote: in physics, there is a principle known as "local causality" which states that distant events cannot instantaneously influence local objects without any mediation. Also, well-known is the early debate over whether energy is a particle or a wave. A particle is inarguably physical, but a wave describes behavior, which implies a transcendant quality, not merely physical, of information and meaning. Later quantum physics states that energy is both physical and non-physical, or a "probability".